Festival highlights include rehearsed readings of full-length plays by talented playwrights Shahid Iqbal Khan and Lettie Precious. Attendees will also enjoy specially commissioned short plays from emerging voices Jesse Stone, Madeleine Farnhill, and Jordon Grant, showcasing the incredible diversity of storytelling within the Disabled writing community.
In addition to the readings, the festival will feature thought-provoking panel discussions with influential voices from the industry including, Stephanie Bain (Head of Programming and Literary at Almeida Theatre), Rachael Young (multidisciplinary artist) and Nicola Werenowska (playwright). As well as accessible networking opportunities for all attendees. This festival serves as a vital platform for exchanging ideas, stories, and experiences, enriching our understanding of diverse narratives in the arts.
Whether you’re a writer eager to share your voice, a theatre maker looking to connect with peers, or a lover of performing arts, your presence will help pave the way for a more vibrant and inclusive theatrical landscape.
We believe in the creative case for diversity, we are excited to showcase the talent and creativity that come from diverse backgrounds. Join us in celebrating the power of new writing and its unique role in enriching an artistic community that thrives on diversity.
We can’t wait to see you there! Tickets start from £8. Join us for both days or just one. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative event!
We’re excited to have an amazing cast performing in our shorts plays and rehearsed readings:
Shaheen Khan, Mark Lockyer, Siobhan Athwal, Shazia Nicholls, Arian Nik, Halema Hussain, Seda Yildiz, Usaamah Hussain, E.M Williams, Alexandra James, Jamael Westman, Chris Fonseca, Raymond Shaahu, Clare Almond and Danielle James.
Access information:
- Introductions and panel discussions will be BSL-interpreted and captioned with audio description woven in.
- Plays and rehearsed readings will be captioned with audio description woven in. Click here for full play information.
- Access Workers and BSL-interpreters are available for networking, lunch and breaks.
Check out full details of the weekend and how to book on Rich Mix’s website.