Graeae's story continues...
Graeae collaborated with RADA students to create a new production of Sarah Kane’s Blasted. There is a re-broadcast of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and an additional collaboration for BBC 4.
Performed by a combination of RADA students and D/deaf and hearing actors from Graeae, Jenny Sealey revisited Sarah Kane’s Blasted. In this iteration Blasted became a bilingual production in spoken and signed language and live audio descriptions taken from Kane’s stage directions, spoken by the actors.
A re-broadcast of 2008’s adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Alex Bulmer and Jack Thorne, on BBC Radio 4 marking the tragic fire on 15 April.
An additional libraries tour around Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, and Rutland of The Iron Giant, presented by Graeae and The Spark Arts.
- The Three Sisters Rewired, a Graeae and Naked Productions collaboration for BBC 4 Radio, was a radical retelling of Anton Chekhov’s The Three Sisters. The adaptation was written and directed by Jenny Sealey and Polly Thomas.
Graeae’s words: “On an isolated farm in 21st century Yorkshire, three sisters – Olivia, Maisie and Iris – struggle to survive on a financially draining farm, with intermittent internet, and a pervading sense of dislocation from the real world. With the titular three sisters played by three Deaf actors – Genevieve Barr, Lara Steward and Alexandra James – Three Sisters Rewired breaks new ground as it reimagines the story through the prism of deafness.”