Graeae's story continues...
Graeae presented three revivals, Signs of a Star Shaped Diva, The Iron Man, and Reasons to be Cheerful. The company also premiered collaborative productions of The Threepenny Opera, and Belonging.
February- May:
Graeae in collaboration with Birmingham Repertory Theatre, New Wolsey Theatre, Nottingham Playhouse Theatre Company, and West Yorkshire Playhouse presented an explosive new production of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s The Threepenny Opera. This new version was a massive hit and embarked on a national tour.
Graeae’s words: “Imagine a world where evil goes unpunished and lowly souls remain on the poverty line. London’s most notorious criminal. Macheath, has recently married Polly, the daughter of Jonathan Peachum, leader of the beggars.”
Reviewer’s words: “Watching this production is like being carried along in a protest march, banners in your face.” -The Stage.
April- May:
- Revival of Signs of a Star Shaped Diva, goes on a national tour.
In collaboration with Circo Crescer E Viver, Graeae presented Belonging, which featured performances in both Brazil and the UK.
Graeae’s words: “A house up for demolition is filled with the memories of the people who have passed through it. Is it brick and mortar that gives our sense of belonging? Is it people, things or is it ourselves and who we are?”
Reasons to be Cheerful was revived for a third time, this instance it was presented as a concert version that had an additional national tour.
- The Rolletes is launched with Graeae’s Youth Programme, bringing all of the glitz and glam of the Rhinestone Rollers to Graeae’s young performers.
The Iron Man is revived and embarks on a school tour.