Graeae's story continues...
Graeae presented Static by Dan Rebellato, Scene Change, a collaboration with Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, and a new adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame for BBC 2.
February- May:
Static, a story of love, loss and compilation tapes, was presented by Graeae, and Suspect Culture went on tour before stinting at Soho Theatre in London.
Graeae’s Words: “Static tells the story of a young woman who has lost her husband. Discovering a compilation tape that he made but never gave her, she becomes convinced it contains a secret message.
What could the tape mean – and is he trying to communicate with her from beyond the grave?
Static fuses music, dialogue, sign language and audio description to explore our complex response to love and loss. It is steeped in a love of music from Sonic Youth to The Smiths, The Ramones to The Rakes and from Girls Aloud to the Goodies (we’ve all got to have our guilty pleasures). Static is a new co-production between Suspect Culture and Graeae Theatre Company.”
Collaboration with Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and Graeae presented Scene Change, a project which encourages young people with physical and sensory impairments to access performing arts.
- Adapted by Alex Bulmer and Jack Thorne, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, was a collaboration between Graeae and BBC2.