Graeae's story continues...
Jenny Sealey is appointed to Artistic Director and presents Two, by Jim Cartwright. The production went on tour throughout England.
Alice, a co-production with Nottingham Playhouse and Roundabout Theatre in Education, was an adaptation by Noel Grieg of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The production went on a national tour that included educational outreach to the community and to local schools.
March- April:
Two, by Jim Cartwright went on tour throughout England. This production was the first directed by Jenny Sealey following her appointment to Artistic Director.
Graeae’s words: “Behind every open bar there’s a closed story. The landlord and landlady nurture their customers like children and use them as a way to avoid any sort of meaningful conversation with each other. The veneer of bonhomie inevitably slips after last orders, as their disintegrating relationship is finally confronted.”
Alice: Co-production with Nottingham Playhouse and Roundabout Theatre in Education. The tour included educational outreach to the community and local schools.
Graeae’s Words: “Mister Bunny cannot get the computer to work….the theatre cat has eaten the mouse! Alice, being a bit of a PC whizz kid decides to help out. When Bunny falls into the screen, Alice dives in behind him. inside the world of Wondercompute, Alice finds herself in a new and bewildering game with the familiar characters from Lewis Carrol’s story.”