Graeae's story continues...
T.I.E. production, Why? premieres in London and tours throughout the UK. The production reflects on growing disability rights movement and disabled people’s desire to be in control of their own lives.
Why? T.I.E show premieres in London and continues on tour.
Graeae’s words: “In “Why?” Graeae Theatre company expose the myths and prejudices that surround disabled peoples lives, and which are present to a greater or lesser extent in the lives of everyone. The play reflects and deals with the growing assertiveness of disabled people in their wish to be in control of their own lives.”
Reviewer’s words: “Compelling, provocative theatre dealing complex issues, but titled with one simple word –
Why?…While presenting a message, they never preached – instead presenting a forceful performance while illustrating points in a play that could never fail to be an eye opener.” -Nicholas Spencer, Yorkshire Evening Press, May 8 1990.