Graeae's story continues...
Graeae presents Sideshow at Riverside Studios, being paid full equity wages. The company becomes fully funded to set up a residency at the Arts Centre in Aldershot for 18 months. 3D becomes Graeae’s first premiere at Fringe Festival before beginning a UK tour.
BBC2 documentary airs to celebrate the opening of IYDP.
January- February:
Sideshow has a week of performances at Riverside Studios, this is the first time the company is paid full equity wages.
Graeae is fully funded to set up at the Arts Centre in Aldershot for 18 months.
August- December:
3D premieres at Fringe Festival followed by a UK tour. The tour included 100 performances in 60 venues around the UK.
3D in Graeae’s words: “‘
3D’ is an extension of the work done in ‘Sideshow’. But it is far more intimate and personal. Actors are telling their real life stories. Again changes in personnel mean a re-drafting of material. But this is essential as Graeae, in these two productions, mean to bring home to audiences the reality of disability and the ordinariness of people with disabilities.”
3D in reviewer’s words: “One of the joys of this job is discovering how wrong you can be. 3D is a wonderful piece of work…it is also moving and, for a normal audience, even humiliating.” -Michael Coveney, Financial Times 9/4/1982.
- LTD established at Aldershot.