Graeae is running an online Introduction to Front of House Access on Tuesday 23 July, 11 - 1pm.

Led by Graeae’s, Access Manager, Vicky Berry and Graeae’s Artist Development Coordinator, Manishta Sunnia.

This training is suitable for individuals who work in arts and cultural organisations as well as freelancers who wish to develop their inclusive and accessible skills.

This is an introductory workshop aimed at Front of House teams and those interested in improving access for visitors and guests. We will explore a variety of best practice approaches which you can use to ensure that Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent visitors and audiences have equitable access to your building, performances and events. Areas we will cover include:

• Introduction to Graeae and the Social Model of Disability
• Building an Access Area
• How to create and implement accessible resources
• How to embed accessible practice across your organisation for all your events
• Q&A

This is a relaxed session, where participants will be welcome to ask questions and bring examples of previous processes for information and advice on best practice. Follow up resources will be provided. This training is suitable for any arts and cultural organisations and individuals producing performances or arts events.

How To Book:

Cost: £150 includes VAT

Please fill in the registration form here and a member of the Graeae team will get in touch to confirm your place.

To ensure accessible participation, we can provide BSL interpretors and captioning for our training sessions. Please include any access requirements on registration.  If you’d like to discuss your access requirements please contact