We will continue to add to this page as we the building updates get underway.
In May 2024, we announced that we had been awarded a total of £590,000 from Arts Council England, the Bradbury Foundation, and the Foyle Foundation. £445,000 of this is from the Arts Council Capital Investment Programme. This money has been raised to make major improvements to our Bradbury Studios space in Hoxton. You can find the full announcement here.
We wanted to create a landing page for all of our updates about the renovation and the project. This resource will include information about the planning process for the project, before and after photos of the building, and plans for the future of the building. We will also be sharing the other Disabled-led organisations who will be joining us.
We would like to extend a special thank you to our funders, Arts Council England, the Bradbury Foundation, and the Foyle Foundation for their help in making this project happen.
We are pleased to announce that construction began on our beloved Bradbury Studios on 6 January 2025. This construction will allow our building to better serve our community of artists.
Graeae has purposefully never stated that Bradbury Studios is fully accessible, because we know that we can always improve something. This is not only our ethos to our building, but to our work broadly. We know that we can always push further, and strive to be more accessible and more innovative in everything that we do. This renovation project is just one piece of that journey.
We know that even after this there will still be room for growth, there are always things that we will be doing right, and things we need to improve on. We are seeing this project as the next chapter in Graeae’s history that will help sustain us and help us continue to grow. Our biggest goal through this process is to remove barriers around accessing our space so that we can enhance our connections to our community, both local and beyond London.
Over the coming months, we will share updates on the construction process as well as the long term plans for the space. In the mean time, you can check out a timeline of our space that stretches back to 1727. This timeline will be continually updated with further information about the construction process, as well as information about other organisations who have used our space. You can access the timeline here.