Graeae's story continues...
Graeae has two main productions that tour this year, The Solid Life of Sugar Water by Jack Thorne and Lorca’s Blood Wedding.
March- April:
- Graeae returned to Lorca’s intense classic,
Blood Wedding, in a new adaptation by David Ireland. Blood Wedding was a co-production with Derby Theatre and Dundee Rep Ensemble that went on a successful international tour.
Graeae’s words: “David Ireland’s radical new take on Lorca’s play re-fuels this classic story with a contemporary twist. Jenny Sealey and David Ireland push this tale of searing lust, love and rebellion to its limits. When young lovers are overrun with passion, infatuation and defiance, the consequences are explosive.”
Reviewer’s words: [a] rich and fascinating new Dundee Rep production by the great Jenny Sealey of Graeae Theatre Company, which co-produces the show along with Derby Theatre. Graeae is famous for its globally acclaimed work with disabled performers: and David Ireland’s brave and thrilling adaptation of the text, set in a roughly contemporary UK full of Scottish, Irish and estuary voices, noises up a series of issues around inclusion, exclusion and prejudice.” – The Scotsman.
August- March 2016:
The Solid Life of Sugar Water written by Jack Thorne premieres to rave reviews at Fringe Festival before beginning a national tour. The tour culminated in Graeae’s first production to be invited to play at the National Theatre.
Graeae’s Words: “Phil and Alice are in love – familiar, flawed, ordinary love. Phil and Alice are on a journey, but this journey doesn’t have an A to Z. Candid, uninhibited and visceral, this world-premiere from award winning playwright Jack Thorne is an intimate, tender play about loss, hurt and rediscovery.”
Reviewer’s words: “Funny, poignant, arresting…a complex emotional watch… heartwarming & heartwrenching” FEST