Graeae's story continues...
Graeae’s Write to Play programme launches, The Iron Man is revived, and Graeae has another collaboration with Strange Fruit.
- Following its successful run in 2011, The Iron Man is revived and taken on a schools and libraries tour over the summer.
In association with Strange Fruit and commissioned by Greenwich Docklands International Festival, Graeae presented The Limbless Knight.
Graeae’s Words: “Films are in black and white or colour. This film is in grey. These are the grey stories that need to be told. In this interactive outdoor production, you are invited to play extras on a set where tensions are high as our human rights are on the verge of being rewritten.”
Graeae’s Youth Programme, inspired by Graeae’s Rhinestone Rollers created and presented Deck the Stalls, a celebration for the festive season.