Graeae's story continues...
Graeae premiered their first production of Sarah Kane’s Blasted and Missing Piece Project 5 presented, Fuddy Meers by David Lindsay-Abaire.
March- May:
Graeae innovated Sarah Kane’s divisive play Blasted through accessible design and integration of spoken stage direction. The production had a multi-week run at Soho theatre in London before embarking on a national tour.
“Graeae has pioneered the use of stage direction spoken live onstage as a way for blind and visually impaired audiences to access the play; in Blasted, Kane got there first. In the play, in addition to the dialogue, she has written character actions to function as lines. This connects with Graeae’s commitment to accessible theatre; it feels like a gift.” -Jenny Sealey
Graeae’s Words: “The award winning Graeae Theatre Company will be your guide through Kane’s dark landscapes – from a gleaming hotel room, where two ex-lovers meet, through threats and spite to personal brutality and further, as violence seems to spread like a virus until our world seems engulfed and all is damaged.”
Reviewer’s words: “Brave, strong and uncompromising performances, touched with a terrible wounded aggression; the power of the experience is undeniable.” The Scotsman, National Tour 2006.
- Fuddy Meers, presented by members of Missing Piece Project 5 in London.
Graeae’s words: “Claire, a woman who suffers from a strange form of amnesia wakes up every morning with no memory. She is eager to unearth who she really is. On this particular morning, she is in for the most jam-packed day of discovery imaginable. Meeting a series of bizarre characters along the way, as the day unfolds Claire’s secret past becomes the arena of this absurd and poignant dark comedy. Fuddy Meers premiered in 1999 in New York and had its premiere in the UK in April 2004 at Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Conceived as a carney side-show, memory is restored through a cavalcade of carnivalesque images.”