Graeae's story continues...
2003 saw the premiere of Diary of an Action Man, a collaborative production of The Vagina Monologues, and the T.I.E. Forum school’s tour of The Trouble with Richard.
A revival of Kaite O’Reilly’s peeling toured London and the UK. Additionally, Missing Piece 3 staged a production of Mother Courage and Her Children staring Liz Carr
February- April:
Time Out’s Best Children Show of 2003, Diary of an Action Man, was a collaboration with Graeae and Unicorn Children’s theatre that toured throughout London.
Graeae’s Words: “Ezra’s on a mission: a mission to rescue his dad. He told Spud that Dad was dead. That wasn’t exactly true, but how else can he explain why Dad isn’t here? Ezra’s toy action man springs to life when no-one’s looking. Escaping the clutches of his mum, his teacher and his incredibly irritating younger sister, Ezra and his secret comrade jump from helicopters and swim with man-eating sharks before embarking upon a big adventure to find Ezra’s dad.”
Reviewer’s words: “This immensely expressive piece tells of the collision between the bullet-riddled fantasy and rather more wounding real life, but tackles its issues in a forthright, unconventional and energetic manner. Nice work, Action Man.” – Ronnie Haydon, Time Out, February 2003, Issue 1697
The Vagina Monologues was presented as a production for VDAY, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls.
Graeae’s words: “Inspired by Eve Ensler’s play The Vagina Monologues, VDay is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. It promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalise the spirit of existing anti-violence organisations. VDay strives to change social attitudes towards violence against women.”
March and August- October:
peeling was revived for a stint in London and a tour throughout the UK.
In Graeae’s Words: “peeling explores an entirely new narrative of theatre, weaving in audio description and sign language as a wholly natural part of these extraordinary women’s personal but resonant stories.”
Reviewers Words: ‘Striking and cleverly-judged…… This is a major piece of theatre from a company that refuses to be relegated to the sidelines, and it is acted with honesty and terrific chutzpah’ – The Guardian
Mother Courage and Her Children was presented by Missing Piece 3 cast for a London tour.
Graeae’s words: “In a dazzling blend of pathos and comedy, Graeae’s new production of Brecht’s epic and timeless masterpiece of struggle and survival is set against a backdrop evocative of Britain from the 1980’s to the present, and a society divided between corporate identity and the individual.”
The Trouble with Richard was a T.I.E. Forum Theatre Schools’ Tour for key stage 4 students (11-14 years).
Graeae’s words: “The Trouble with Richard focuses on 13 year-old Richard’s move to a mainstream school and shows him facing all the ups and downs of adolescence. Richard, our protagonist, is a disabled student attending the fictitious Gatehouse School for the first time, having previously been at a special school. Although it considers itself ‘integrated’, the profile of disability at the Gatehouse is low.”