Graeae's story continues...
Following the great success of the BBC2 documentary, Channel 4 begins filming, ‘People’s Minds’ about the making of M3 Junction 4 (M3 J4) which also premiered and toured in 1982. M3 Junction 4 was another devised piece which examines the stigma of disability around accessible accommodation. Additionally, co-founder Richard Tomlinson’s book Disability, Theatre, and Education is published in December of this year.
Channel 4 begins filming, ‘People’s Minds’ about the making of the show M3 Junction 4 (M3 J4).
M3 Junction 4 premieres at Riverside Studios and continues to tour into the new year.
M3 Junction 4 in Graeae’s words: “M3 Junction 4 is set in a village for disabled people and follows the experiences of four villagers in t heir confrontation with the village organiser, examining the way in which each dispels the stigma of handicap. It lampoons commonly held assumptions that disabled people are brave, like being in each other’s company and can be content with good food and accessible accommodation.”
M3 Junction 4 in reviewer’s words:
“M3 Junction 4 is a welcome development of their work; equally remarkable and honest yet more compelling for the fictional story and the script by Richard Tomlinson.”
- Disability, Theatre, and Education by Richard Tomlinson is published.