Graeae's story begins...
Sideshow premieres at Surrey University before embarking on a tour of North America. In the Autumn BBC2 begins filming a documentary on the company which will be aired to coincide with the opening of the IYDP.
May- November:
- Sideshow premieres at Surry University before embarking on Illinois tour. The tour included 27 shows over 23 days with each performance at a different venue. After the Illinois tour, production went to the International Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation in Winnipeg. The tour finally concluded with a stint in England and Wales.
Sideshow in Graeae’s words: “…part burlesque, part satire, features an array of characters trapped in a fairground freak show. They are determined not to be treated as freaks and break out into the ‘real’ world. Their experiences are explored in songs and sketches.”
BBC2 begins filming documentary on the company which will be aired to coincide with the opening of the IYDP.